The Management of the Grand Hotel Aminta, consistent with the principles expressed in the Charter of Values ​​and with what is stated in the Company's and Environmental Policies, believes that its business operation can be sustainable and compatible with the environment that hosts it, which can create as well as for its employees directly involved, also for the productive activities and inhabitants of the area where it operates and which can be geared towards a continuous improvement of services and performance, in the right balance between social, environmental and economic responsibility.

In this respect, and with the necessary involvement of workers and all other stakeholders, the Company intends to pursue compliance with Social Responsibility requirements that go beyond simply complying with mandatory legal requirements.

It undertakes to:

✓ to provide workplaces whose safety and health care goes beyond the minimum requirements laid down by law;
✓ encourage freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
✓ Ensure equal opportunities and the freedom to follow their own principles;
✓ to ensure working hours, extraordinary payments and adequate remuneration, subject to indifference to the provisions of the specific national employment contract;
✓ specifically delegate a person who is responsible for ensuring that his / her employees "listen" to any situation that may affect the employment relationship;
✓ monitor the territory and consequently create opportunities for growth both for businesses and for residents, also by purchasing local products and using local services and labor;
✓ sponsor local events and events with contributions, associative quotas and / or services.
Specific objectives can be defined annually by the Management and properly communicated.

Sorrento, June 1, 2017
the direction

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